Shopping Centers Russia Осень 2024 | Page 57

Rental rates in shopping centres
Tenant Profile
Average occupied area
Rate in % of turnover
Supercentre 7000 + 1,8-3 % Supercentre 4000-7000 1,8-4,5 % Supercentre 10 000 + 3-4 % Supermarket 800-3000 5-8 % Household appliances and electronics 600-1200 3,5-4,5 % Sports goods 1200-2500 4,5-7 % Household goods , mini format 1000-2000 6-8 % Сhildren products Т500-1500 6,5-8,5 % Clothes , anchor tenant 1800-3000 8-10 % Clothes , mini-anchor tenant 1000-1500 6-12 % Multicinema 1200-2500 10-15 % Restaurant 300-600 8-13 % Coffee shop 80-170 10-18 % Food court 20-65 12-20 % Large entertainment centres 2000-4000 15-18 % Small entertainment centres 250-500 15-20 % and youth collections in preparation for the new school year . Such sales partially started in early July to support retailers ’ sales , which somewhat blurred the traditional monthly seasonality .
Also , information about strikes and difficulties at production facilities in Bangladesh had a certain pressure on the fashion segment in recent months . Despite the fact that for Russian companies manufacturing in this country is not their core business , this information background indirectly indicated potential risks of increasing wage expenses in other regions as well . This may add additional negativity from the point of view of the economics of integrated retailers , as well as stimulate further price growth .
Seasonality of fashion-segment sales may change in the near future , being influenced by promotions and activity of marketplaces focusing on the fashion-segment development . Consumers have a rational approach to purchases : they compare 5-7 variants of prices and platforms , they can purposefully wait for special discounts and promotions , including those from marketplaces , aimed not at separate market segments , but at activation of purchases of a particular customer .
What should developers expect ? sales were additionally pressured by FAS recommendations to major retailers to limit price increases .
In the context of a seasonal decline in demand and the beginning of consumer preparation for the new school year , this encouraged the population to take a wait-and-see attitude and focus on goods whose prices were frozen or reduced compared to their analogues . On the one hand , this situation could have a negative impact on retailers ’ sales margins . On the other hand , it could contribute to the sale of less demanded goods , increasing their turnover .
Sales of household appliances and electronics through retailers ’ own sales channels continued to decline against the levels of a year ago . However , due to an increase in the share of sales through thirdparty channels ( primarily through marketplaces ), the overall sales dynamics remained positive .
Market drivers : fashion and accessories
The annual dynamics of clothing sales continued to slow down in August . One of the negative factors was the earlier start of sales of kids ’
It is obvious that any swings in consumer demand have an immediate impact on offline commerce : shoppers who prefer to save money and , nevertheless , cannot give up shopping are switching to marketplaces . However , the tactics of active sales used by online retailers also work well in classic commerce : most major retail chains are already starting to launch promotions to stimulate sales at the end of the year .
Non-shopping operators continue to be the most important source of income for developers , primarily in the catering and entertainment segments . It is possible that they will be the face of most new projects in the near future .